Yoga for every stage.
Yoga for Infertility & Conception
The physical, emotional and financial stress of trying to conceive takes a huge toll on the body as a whole. Whether riding the emotional rollercoaster of your menstrual cycle, drowning in the hormones of fertility medications or trying to remain non-homicidal as you listen to unsolicited advice, trying to conceive often floods the body with stress and anxiety, and hinders the possibility of conception. Yoga for Infertility & Conception helps reduce that stress level. This moving practice will encourage blood flow to the uterus, hips, and heart as well as other abdominal organs. Let’s bring our focus on strengthening the immune system, combatting the side effects of hormonal treatments and quieting the mind thus letting go of stress and anxiety and instead nurturing the heart, mind and body.
Yoga for Loss
I am so sorry. Loss and troubling diagnosis can be heart wrenching. Please don’t feel as if you must go through this alone. Allow me to help guide you through this unknown and meet you wherever you are with your loss. I can provide a safe space for you as you go through all the difficult choices ahead. I am happy to provide professional resources for services that go beyond my knowledge of bereavement and death as a doula. Families in need of bereavement and loss support will only be charged what they can afford. This is a love offering, donation-based class.
Yoga for Labor & Childbirth
Bring the Divine Feminine energy of Labor and Birth together with breath and movement for a Prana Yoga experience. This yoga practice creates space within the hips and pelvis, calms the nervous system, stretches and strengthens uterine muscles and ligaments while softening achy backs and thus preparing the body for a gentle, nurturing childbirth. We pay close attention to the breath in order to calm and bring focus to the mind. Creating space from within, having a focused mind and soft body prepares you for an easier labor and birthing experience.
Yoga for Postpartum Bodies
The postpartum body requires a very different set of positions for strength and care. This nurturing class will focus on replenishing the energy of Vata after childbirth. Quiet anxious thoughts and rejuvenate your body with postures specifically sequenced to encourage pelvic bones into alignment while gently strengthening abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Let go of tension and learn simple ways to help rejuvenate your tissues and release tension out of your achy neck, shoulders and back.
Gentle Yoga
Are you ready to bring Yoga back into your daily routine? This class combines gentle movements with breath. Focus on strength and flexibility in the body without overworking it. Never take yourself too seriously, never push into pain or discomfort, and always remember to practice kindness and playfulness on your mat and in your daily life.
Private Classes
Sometimes the best way to learn and practice yoga is One-on-One. Contact me to schedule private sessions.