Sacred Window of Postpartum
42 Days, 42 Years.
The importance of this 6 weeks of care is paramount to our overall health and well-being. Heal, nourish and replenish the mind, body and spirit with the ancient tradition of Ayurvedic care.
Let’s sit down together
before Baby arrives
Allow me to listen to your concerns, needs and goals. Together we can create a soothing and healing treatment plan that meets you and baby’s physical, emotional and nutritional needs. We can explore ways to reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue through Ayurvedic infused meals, snacks and teas as well as replenish your body with relaxing warm oil body treatments and healing herbal baths followed by a soothing self-care routine
The wisdom of the Ayurvedic sages teaches us that the way we treat our bodies in the first 42 days after childbirth (the sacred healing window) determines how our body will heal or not heal for the next 42 years of our life.
Oftentimes new mothers are gifted with casseroles, lasagnas and other heavy, dense foods. Although each of these meals are made with love and good intentions, a postpartum mama’s digestive system needs time to rebuild. Energy spent trying to break down and digest these complex meals can take away from the healing and rejuvenating process. It can also hinder the production of quality breastmilk. If mama’s milk becomes heavy and dense like these meals, baby can easily become gassy or colicky.
Help nourish your digestive system with these Homemade Ayurvedically and organically prepared meals.
The Sacred Window is a crucial time of nourishment and healing.
New Beginning Bundle
The New Beginning Bundle covers Mamas nutritional needs for the first 7 days of her Sacred Window. These offerings include easily digestible, organic, vegan, gluten free soups, stews, snacks, herbal ghee, and teas that promote healing, rejuvenation, lactation, serenity and sleep for both mom and baby. A $50.00 nonrefundable deposit is required in order to create a menu proposal designed with her needs and goals in mind.
Deep Healing Bundle
The Deep Healing Bundle covers Mamas nutritional needs for the first 21 days of her Sacred Window. Once Mama’s fire has begun to ignite, added menu items may include heartier stews, roasted vegetables and baked fruits. All items encourage healing, rejuvenation, lactation, serenity and sleep for both mom and baby. A $100.00 nonrefundable deposit is required in order to create a menu proposal designed with her specific needs and goals in mind. Delivered weekly.
Ultimate Healing Bundle
The Ultimate Healing Bundle covers Mama’s nutritional needs throughout her Sacred Window of 42 days. Beginning gently with soups and stews , gradually increasing heartiness and density, until Mama is back to a full healthy satvic diet in line with the seasons. All items encouraging her back to optimal health. A $150.00 nonrefundable deposit is required in order to create a menu proposal designed with her specific needs and goals in mind. Delivered weekly.
Traditional Ayurvedic Body Treatments.
Soothing Body Abhyanga with Infused Herbal Oil.
Nourish your skin, organs and tissues with a traditional warm herbal oil treatment applied soothingly to your skin. This oil is infused with organic Ayurvedic herbs. Benefits include: promotes better sleep, calms the nervous system, detoxifies the body, quiets the mind, brings energy back into the body.
Healing Water Bath with Floral Essence.
Nurture your nervous system with a calming soak in your bathtub while enjoying the scent of a custom-made bath tea filled with organic herbs specifically made for your body type. These herbal combinations help quiet the mind and relax the body. Enjoy the scent of rose, chamomile & lavender, vetiver & cardamom, eucalyptus & mint and many more!
Organic Muslin Belly Wrap.
Heal your body and restore balance with 100% organic muslin belly wrap that gently hugs your hips and belly in a warm tuck. When done properly a beautifully wrapped belly bind can support the pelvic floor and offer a gentle hold of muscle and ligaments safely in place as your body heals.
Ayurvedic Five Warms
The Ayurvedic traditional infant massage using natural organic oils. Help relieve gassiness and upset tummy, for better and longer sleep intervals.

Ayurvedic Teas, Medicines, and Salves.
Warming Herbal Oils, Medicated Ghees & Salves.
Herbal Infused Abhyanga Oil
This nurturing oil infused with 10 Ayurvedic herbs promotes circulation and strength. This decoction takes 12 hours to prepare and replenishes the body at a cellular level allowing for softer and smoother skin. Used for Abhyanga once a day, it lubricates bones and joints, allowing better sleep and overall health.
Panchakola Ghee
All-natural clarified butter infused with five specific Ayurvedic herbs to gently rekindle the digestive fire, promote easy digestion, expel gas, keep energy levels high and ensure stools are soft.
Shatavari Ghee
All natural clarified butter infused with the healing herb, Shatavari. This wonderful herb promotes the production of breastmilk, helps to bring hormones back into balance, as well as builds vitality and immunity in the newborn mother's body. Shatavari calming nature also aids in relieving stress and anxiety.
Nipple Love Salve
After hours, days, weeks of breastfeeding, your breasts need a little love. Heal and soothe those dry, sore and cracked nipples with an all natural 100% organic balm. Infused with moisturizing herbs and natural oils this salve is completely safe for your breast and your baby. No essential oils are used.
Soothing Foot Salve
At the end of the day take care of those sweet little feet that keep you upright all day. Release swelling of your feet and ankles with this relaxing and moisture-rich foot salve.
Calming Tonic and Teas
Warm Cup of Herbal Tea or Kshirpak (medicated milk)
Relax and let go. Let a nice cup of ashwagandha tea or kshirpak with just a pinch of sweetness help fight depression and reduce stress and anxiety.
Dashmula Tonic Tea
Made from the roots of 10 healing Ayurvedic herbs this decoction takes all day to prepare but the benefits are worth every minute! Rebuild strength and ease exhaustion, anxiety and fatigue with this healing tonic. Rejuvenate the reproductive organs, pelvic floor and calm the Vata energy. Enjoy this tea at the beginning and end of each postpartum day.
Milk-Making Almond Tonic
This is every client's favorite postpartum drink. Blended with shatavari, this warm gluten free, plant-based milk smoothie is an excellent source of protein, iron, folic acid and fiber. Flush out toxins and boost lactation with this delicious smoothie.
Spiced Golden Milk
Relax in the evening with this comfort chai made with a soothing blend of spices and plant-based milk. The perfect way to decrease inflammation, boost lactation and get a good night’s sleep.
More Sacred Window teas
Hibiscus Rose Tea
Tulsi Ginger Tea
Spicy Pumpkin Chai
Fennel & Cinnamon Chai
Vata Calming tea
Weaning Baby Tea & Cookies
Milk-making, Fire-Building, and Weaning Snacks.
Ultra Healing Rice Pudding
This sweet saffron rice pudding is the first meal after delivery. Soft and sweet, gentle on the stomach, this light snack is prepared the minute your labor begins. Simmered all day with healing, organic Ayurvedic spices to help restart digestion and boost lactation.
Milk-Making Methi (Fenugreek) Balls
These delicious medical snacks are dairy-free, gluten free treats that boost the production of breastmilk. Made with 100% organic ingredients including fenugreek, coconut, ginger, coconut, almonds, dates, cardamom and nutmeg. This delicious snack can be eaten twice a day to increase lactation.
Fire-Buidling Mukhwas (digestive herbs)
Mukhwas is a traditional Ayurvedic digestive aid and mouth freshener. This sweet post meal snack helps rekindle your digestive fire. It is made of various seeds and nuts, including fennel, coconut, coriander, and sesame. It is rich in iron to replenish the blood with specific herbs designed to reduce bloating and gas.